Potato Granules
Potato granules are precooked, dehydrated potatoes produced in particulate form consisting substantially of whole tissue cells or small aggregates of cells. The product is characterized by high bulk density and great convenience of preparation, requiring only a simple mixing with hot liquid.
Like potato flakes, granules are prepared using top-quality sliced, cooked, and dried potatoes. The production process involves milling the flakes to achieve the desired granular texture, resulting in individual or small aggregates of potato cells. This granular structure increases the product’s bulk density and shipping economy; potato granules also reconstitute exceptionally well thanks to the cell-wall toughening that occurs during multiple cycles of cooking and partial dehydration involved in their production.
- Rehydrated Texture
- High Free Soluble Starch
- Low Viscosity
- Low Water Absorption
- Low Cell Damage